For years I had dreamed of having a craft room, but once I got it, I had no clue where to start. I felt clumsy, doubted my abilities, therefore never could decide where to start.
Then in 2015, our granddaughter Kaity begged me to make her a baby bag for her baby doll. Those eyes fixed on me and she believed at that moment, that I could hang the moon for her. How do you tell a 4 year old that you aren’t good enough? That is not how I ever want her to see herself, so I needed to step past my fears. That bag was rough but Kaity was overflowing with joy that her Meme could create the ‘perfect baby bag’.
Not long after that day, a sewing teacher told me ‘an imperfect completed project is 100x better then a perfect uncompleted project’. That was an ‘ah ha moment’ for me.
So complete those projects, and stop being your ‘best critic’). Your kids, family & friends won’t care if it isn’t perfect, they just want to see you happy.
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