Far to often I’ve let those feelings eat me up. It’s easy to believe the lies that you’re not worthy, not valued, not important.
Occasionally I need to forget about taking care of others and focusing on ‘cleaning out my own closets’.
In the past (before getting really sick with Crohn’s Disease), I was the master of clean spaces. Whether it was a closet, cabinet, drawer, garage or basement it was a physical task that just needed to be done.
Life is much like a closet. Sometimes we need to clear out all the junk, the things that are weighing us down and holding us back from our potential. We need to create room for God to bless us with newer, better things/situations/
This summer I looked after 3 school aged children while their mom worked. Since they return to school next week, it’s time to pack up ‘kid clutter’ and return our space to that of empty nester.
Today’s goal is to covert our dining space to ‘everything blogging’ so I can work at growing our crafting business and blogging.
What areas do you need to clear out on your life?
Time to crank up the tunes and get to work!